
Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering主编Moses Tade教授访问我校


2019123-6日,应我校能源与动力学院邀请,国际知名SCI期刊Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering主编Moses O. Tade教授来访我校,并为我校师生做Applications of Data Mining in Chemical Engineering的报告,报告由学院副院长陈代芬主持,学院近50名师生参加了报告会。会后,双方进行了深入交流并约定进一步促进我校和Curtin University大学在新能源科学与工程领域的科研、教师互访进修、人才引进、论文发表方面的合作,并约定2020年在Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering期刊发起一期关于燃料电池技术研究的专刊。

Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering is aimed at capturing current developments and initiatives in chemical engineering related and specialised areas. It focuses on the key areas of Process Application; Energy and Environmental Technology; and Biochemical Engineering. The journal showcases innovative technological developments, providing an opportunity for technology transfer and collaboration. Impact factor: 1.396, ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2018:88/138 (Engineering, Chemical), ISSN:1932-2143, Curtin University and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
