作者: 发布时间:2020-10-22动态浏览次数:873

20201022,我院教师顾丛汇的“Discharge and mixing of moisture coal particles in silos”研究成果在《ENERGY SOURCES PART A-RECOVERY UTILIZATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS》上合作发表。



Due to the limit of traditional models, a revised mathematical model was adopted to describe the movement of packing powder in silos. The model could be used in the area of coal particles with moisture content concerned based on continuum method. The accuracy of the model was validated by comparing with experimental results from the aspects of discharge rate, the flow pattern and the ash content at outlet. With the model, it was also found that the flow pattern was converted from mass flow (theta= 15 degrees) to funnel flow (theta= 45 degrees, 60 degrees) with the half opening angle increasing. Furthermore, the increase of the moisture content led to the transition from mass flow (x=6.91%) to funnel flow (x=14.68%). And the reduction of discharge rate had the same effect when G was converted from 11.46kg/s to 2.86kg/s. Besides, the transformation of flow pattern brought differences of the granular mixing process in silos, which was indicated by the ash content at outlet and Mixing Index. Compared with the mass flow, the mixing degree got more intensive for the funnel flow.
